Since the 1960s, scientists and medical professionals have been using DMSO as a transportation device to pass small molecules through skin.
When used as a topical cream with ValAsta, it allows the astaxanthin molecule to bypass the digestive track and be absorbed directly into the skin. This has been shown to be effective in battling inflammation that presents as arthritis, tumors, cysts, warts, moles, skin cancer, etc.
300MG Pure Astaxanthin per container 30 ML per container
Please click on Sam Shepherd's photo to view the video clip on DMSO and Ulcerative Colitis.
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Valasta Store is an online store dedicated to helping everyone suffering from inflammatory conditions and health conditions arising out of oxidative stress. We are not a licensed medical office and do not treat, diagnose, or claim to cure any disease or health condition. Opinions given are those of the presenter and NOT intended as a diagnosis.